
Monday 9 March 2015

First Vita Plus Health Benefits


Health Benefits of First Vita Plus   

*Regulates bowel movement,good for digestion,cleanses digestion system.
*Cleanse urinary,circulatory and digestive system.
*Maintains normal blood preasure
*Remedy for asthma,arthritis,insomnia,cardiovascular problem,nervousness,skin problems,and depression.
*Maintains and enhances your health,wellness and well-being
*Provides energy boost and stamina to fight daily stress
*Regulates normalizes and balances the different body systems
*Rebuild bleeding
*Good for treating heavy menstrual periods,menstrual cramps
*Rectal bleeding
*Good for diabetic patients
*Good recovery for patients suffering from strokes
*Good substitute for persons not eating vegetables or fruits
*Good for the skin and eyes and for varicous viens
*Good expectorant for getting rid of phlegm
*Removes toxins from the body,helps prevent ulcers
*Remedy for fever,nausea,cold and runny nose and stomach distress.
*Convalescence(gradual return to good health after an illness or medicaltreatment or the period spent recovering).
*Bactericide(destroy bacteria).
*Aphrodisiac(something that arouses or intensifies sexual desire)
*Tonic (to feel stronger,more energetic and generally healthier)
*Diuritic (causing increased flow of urine)
*Good for urinary tract infection (UTI)
*Liver disorder remedy
*Nourishes breast feed babies,lactagogue(increases the flow of breast milk for woman).
*Helps fight and prevent Cancer.


For more information contact me her:
Add and message me on facebook
or call me #+965 99844853

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